
Edit rows

This page contains a grid that allows order edit. Its grid state is passed to the edit page, so it can be returned to this page mantaining the grid state.

This component demonstrates a GridBlazor server-side grid. For more information, please see: https://github.com/gustavnavar/Grid.Blazor

10284 2024-03-08 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Ana Trujillo 13.000
10285 2023-09-07 Océano Atlántico Ltda. Yvonne Moncada 57.000
10286 1996-08-21 Maison Dewey Catherine Dewey 45.360
10288 0011-08-01 Reggiani Caseifici Maurizio Moroni 168.450
10290 1996-08-27 Comércio Mineiro Pedro Afonso 86.700
10294 1996-08-30 Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery Paula Wilson 144.000
10295 1996-09-02 Vins et alcools Chevalier Paul Henriot 0.150
10296 1996-09-03 LILA-Supermercado Carlos González 14.120
10298 1996-09-05 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Patricia McKenna 169.220
10299 1996-09-06 Ricardo Adocicados Janete Limeira 31.760